
Archive for August, 2014

CryptoWrappers v1.0

August 1, 2014 Comments off

Just to let everyone know that v1.0 of CryptoWrappers has been released. This is a set of C++ classes to provide a complete C++ encapsulation of the various Cryptography APIs on Windows.

The classes provided are: CryptoWrappers::CCertificate, CryptoWrappers::CChain, CryptoWrappers::CChainEngine, CryptoWrappers::CCRL, CryptoWrappers::CCTL, CryptoWrappers::CDefaultContext, CryptoWrappers::CHash, CryptoWrappers::CKey, CryptoWrappers::CMessage, CryptoWrappers::COCSPResponseContext, CryptoWrappers::COCSPServerResponse, CryptoWrappers::CProvider, CryptoWrappers::CStore, CryptoWrappers::CCNGHash, CryptoWrappers::CCNGKey, CryptoWrappers::CCNGKey2, CryptoWrappers::CCNGProvider, CryptoWrappers::CCNGSecret, CryptoWrappers::CCNGSecret2 & CryptoWrappers::CCNGStorageProvider.

CCertificate provides a class based encapsulation of a CryptoAPI certificate as represented by a PCCERT_CONTEXT.

CChain provides a class based encapsulation of a CryptoAPI certificate chain as represented by a PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT.

CChainEngine provides a class based encapsulation of a CryptoAPI chain engine as represented by a HCERTCHAINENGINE.

CCRL provides a class based encapsulation of a CryptoAPI Certificate Revocation List as represented by a PCCRL_CONTEXT.

CCTL provides a class based encapsulation of a CryptoAPI Certificate Trust List as represented by a PCCTL_CONTEXT.

CDefaultContext provides a class based encapsulation of a CryptoAPI default context provider as represented by a HCRYPTDEFAULTCONTEXT.

CHash provides a class based encapsulation of a CryptoAPI Hash as represented by a HCRYPTHASH.

CKey provides a class based encapsulation of a CryptoAPI Key as represented by a HCRYPTKEY.

CMessage provides a class based encapsulation of a cryptographic message as represented by a HCRYPTMSG.

COCSPResponseContext provides a class based encapsulation of an online certificate status protocol (OCSP) response context as represented by a PCCERT_SERVER_OCSP_RESPONSE_CONTEXT.

COCSPServerResponse provides a class based encapsulation of an OCSP response associated with a server certificate chain as represented by a HCERT_SERVER_OCSP_RESPONSE.

CProvider provides a class based encapsulation of a CryptoAPI cryptographic service provider (CSP) as represented by a HCRYPTPROV.

CStore provides a class based encapsulation of a CryptoAPI certificate store as represented by a HCERTSTORE.

CCNGHash provides a class based encapsulation of a CNG (Cryptography Next Generation) BCrypt Hash as represented by a BCRYPT_HASH_HANDLE.

CCNGKey provides a class based encapsulation of a CNG BCrypt Key as represented by a BCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE.

CCNGKey2 provides a class based encapsulation of a CNG NCrypt Key as represented by a NCRYPT_KEY_HANDLE.

CCNGProvider provides a class based encapsulation of a CNG BCrypt algorithm provider as represented by a BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE.

CCNGSecret provides a class based encapsulation of a CNG BCrypt secret agreement value as represented by a BCRYPT_SECRET_HANDLE.

CCNGSecret2 provides a class based encapsulation of a CNG NCrypt secret agreement value as represented by a NCRYPT_SECRET_HANDLE.

CCNGStorageProvider provides a class based encapsulation of CNG NCrypt storage provider as represented by a NCRYPT_PROV_HANDLE.

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